Safeguarding Procedures
Blackpool Multi Agency Safeguarding Procedures
If you want to raise a Safeguarding Alert in Blackpool, there is guidance and information in the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Policy and Procedures document which can be viewed in the Resources section of this website.
Pan Lancashire and Cumbria Safeguarding Manual
Blackpool is also a part of the Pan Lancashire and Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Partnership. This Partnership has launched a multi agency safeguarding manual. The manual is for the whole adult workforce and aims to promote multi-agency working and provide information about safeguarding adults ‘at risk’ of harm, abuse and neglect. This online manual provides access to a shared approach to adult safeguarding across the four Pan Lancashire areas (Blackpool, Lancashire, Blackburn with Darwen and Cumbria), including consistent language and commonly used Terms. The Pan Lancashire and Cumbria Safeguarding Manual can be viewed in the Resources section of this website.
Please note, this is separate from any single agency / internal procedures you may need to refer to.