The Prevent Duty Guidance (under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015) which places a duty on schools, and child care providers, to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This legal duty came into force on 1st July 2015. The duty placed on schools covers 4 areas:
- Risk Assessment
- Working in Partnership
- Staff Training
- IT Policies
CTPNW Prevent - Threat, Risk, Vulnerability update:
We have seen a significant decline in Prevent referrals since the lockdown was introduced. This is primarily a result of schools and other statutory services such as social care and mental health provision being impacted, but it will also be partially down to the fact that most people’s attention has, understandably, been focussed on the pandemic.
Despite the reduction in referrals, we know that the threat is not going away. In fact, it is likely that the risk of radicalisation has increased for a small number of vulnerable people, as the pandemic is driving vulnerable individuals to spend more time online and is exacerbating grievances which make people more vulnerable to radicalisation.
With the removal of the safety net of schools, colleges and social workers, we need statutory partners, parents, friends and family to be aware of what young or vulnerable people in their care are looking at online - and most importantly what they can do to help.
CTPNW Prevent request the following document is shared amongst all teams and departments within each of your service areas and any concerns be referred through your existing safeguarding channels:
Educate Against Hate teachers blog has gone live. The link is below:
Prevent Resources
Letter from the DfE regarding Prevent Duty (pdf, 168kb)
The Prevent Duty Guidance (pdf,591kb)
Prevent Duty Departmental Advice (pdf,236kb)
Social Media Policy (pdf, 676kb)
The Association of Directors of Children's Services - Radicalisation and Extremism